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Autumn sales continue to see Signet performance recorded sheep top the trade

Performance recorded sheep continue to achieve top prices at recent sales across the country.

The role of Computed Technology when making breeding decisions,

Utilising technology to make informed breeding decisions and identify animals with superior muscle across the carcase can increase carcase yield and the profitability of sheep enterprises. Laura Eyles, Senior Signet Breeding Specialist, explains how levy funded research and investment in the late 1990’s has allowed this world leading technology to be used within our sheep industry.

RamCompare update October 2022

We have had a busy summer collecting data from our nine commercial farms involved with RamCompare this season and it has been fun getting to know how our new farms operate as we have worked alongside them collecting 8-week weight and 12-week weight /ultrasound scanning data from their lambs. This season we are collecting data from over 5,600 lambs, from around 95 different sires. Mating plans have been confirmed and many rams now through the quarantine and being put out with ewes.  

New Weight Recording Initiative for Lincoln Red Breeders

The Lincoln Red Cattle Society have recently announced their intention to provide all their members with free access to Signet’s services. As part of this new initiative with Signet, the Lincoln Red Cattle Society will fund the recording costs of any paid up Society member; effectively removing the financial barrier that may have previously limited smaller herds from engaging in weight recording.